WARNING: Do you really need a loan today?*

It can be expensive to borrow small amounts of money and borrowing may not solve your money problems.
Check your options before you borrow:
- For information about other options for managing bills and debts, ring 1800 007 007 from anywhere in Australia to talk to a free and independent financial counsellor.
- Talk to your electricity, gas, phone or water provider to see if you can work out a payment plan.
- If you are on Government benefits, ask if you can receive an advance from Centrelink: www.humanservices.gov.au/advancepayments
The Government’s MoneySmart website shows you how small amount loans work and suggests other options that may help you. This statement is an Australian Government requirement under the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009.This document contains information about your rights to ask us about any assessment we may make, our financial services and where appropriate, the recommendation of using one credit product over another. We are required by law to give you a copy of our credit guide. In the unlikely event you may be dissatisfied with what we do or have done, this guide also provides direction on what you need to do to remedy your dissatisfaction.